Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Introducing the Sidebar Series

PAJ is pleased to introduce a new column called the Sidebar Series. This series will be regular feature in the PAJustice News and on this blog. FLS members will be interviewing judges from their local jurisdictions, appellate courts, or other courts to gain insight from the prestigious officials we often only see on the bench. We hope that the Sidebar Series will provide an opportunity for Future Leaders Section members to become more personally acquainted with the judges before whom they appear.

Please contact PAJ members Adrianne Walvoord or Laura Phillips if you are interested in interviewing a Pennsylvania court judge. We have recommendations for approaching judges and have sample questions to use in your interview. We look forward to hearing from you!

Adrianne Walvoord, Esq.
Anapol Schwartz

Laura Phillips, Esq.
Phillips & Faldowski, P.C.

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